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Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Child VS Man :

Behold the Child:
  • Blissfully naked
  • Trusting everyone
  • Spontaneously responsive
  • Free from worry
  • Fearless
Behold the Man :
  • Dressed in the latest fashion
  • Suspicious of everyone
  • Planning each response
  • So many worries
  • Fearful

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Friends. . .

How good a friend are you?
  • Friends love and trust each other completly
  • Friends share secrets and special experiences. 
  • Friends make sacrifices for each other
  • Friends accept each other as they are- They never try and change each other
  • Friends inspire and forgive each other
  • Friendship lasts a life time
  • All  the people you interact with may not be your friends.They may just be acquaintances
  • One or two good friends are all a person needs to be happy.
So cherish friendship. IT IS WORTH IT!

Friday, 26 August 2011

Lead like a Leader. . .

The quality of a society depends on the quality of its leaders.

Successful leaders:
  • Are motivated and inspired by their position
  • Apply policies farily to all.
  • Foster team spirit by setting a good example to the team and building trust
  • Have strength of character and high moral values. They foster good relations in a team.
  • Work hard to achieve the objectives of the team.
  • Appreciate criticism as a means of empowerment for the team. Readily accept suggestions. 

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Live in the moment...

Time moves on so rapidly.

 We only see the evidence of time that has elapsed. The faded photographs, our changing looks in the mirror...

It is not possible to experience time. We can only experience each moment in time.

Live each moment to the fullest. Feel the joy, the love and the happiness each moment brings.

Do the things that you love to do.

Try to spend each moment with the people you love.

Fill those silent moments with happy and blissful thoughts.


Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Because . . . .

Note how often we use the word 'because'. This word gives the reason for things that have happened. 

There is a cause for every effect. For example, when you plant carrot seeds, you expect carrots to grow, not lettuce.

Likewise with our actions. When you harm someone, expect someone to harm you.

Therefore be kind, helpful and supportive to others. They will be equally good to you.

Through your good deeds, you will be an example and role model to others, especially children who learn by watching and imitating.

This way you can make our world a better place for all.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

The company you keep...

Put one rotten tomato in a box of good tomatoes, and what happens? All the tomatoes get rotten after a while.

Likewise, the company you keep will influence you in some way or the other. Therefore choose your friends with great care.

Make sure they have the qualities you admire and appreciate in a person. 

Avoid people that your consider to be negative(bad habits or bad personality) as these people will influence you for the worse.

This is a simple way of ensuring your happiness. 

Monday, 22 August 2011

Mind and Intellect..

The mind maybe compared to a child and the intellect to the parent.

The mind only wants to have fun, not concerned of the consequences. The intellect is the voice of caution.

Listen to your intellect, be cautious, that when you have fun, you do not hurt other people's feelings or cause harm to anyone.

Remember, a good person is loved by all, so listen to the voice of your intellect.

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Love Yourself :)

Through the choices you have made in the course of your life, you have created the person that you are. So be proud of yourself.

As you begin to appreciate to who you are and love yourself, you will also begin to love everyone around you, for they have helped shape who you are.

Remember- You are because they are

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Caterpillars & Butterflies

Caterpillars, such ugly scruffy things
You crawl along so erratic and slow
Yet soon you have such silken wings
To glide so gracefully to and fro.

And so with man it could be said,
Ugliness within is but a phase
For with time it can be shed
To reveal such beauty worthy of praise.

If we could only take the time,
Assess our thoughts and actions each day
We will remove all the ugliness and grime
To reveal a person pure in every way.

To this end let us live our life
Caring for others, ending all strife.

Friday, 19 August 2011

Wondreful Mind

Through the mind we perceive the duality of this world - good and bad, rich and poor, exciting and boring etc. It is only when you experience the one, that you can appreciate the other.

Example: A rich person will never appreciate his wealth unless he has experienced poverty.

A blissful person will not appreciate his bliss unless he has known anxiety and depression.

The capability of the mind is limitless and only through hard work and determination, can one appreciate the satisfaction of his achievement.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

The Mind- The Garden...

The mind is like a garden...

The weeds are the negative thoughts which make you unhappy and destroy your garden. All thoughts relating to anger, hatred, frustration and depression are negative. Throw them out of your mind, just the way you would weed your garden.

Positive thoughts  like love, compassion and kindness are the beautiful flowers in your garden. Nurture  these flowers are watch you life blossom before your very eyes.

Wednesday, 17 August 2011


The most beneficial fragrance to man is Oxygen - Notice NO Smell

The most beneficial drink for man is Water - Notice NO Taste

The most beneficial sound to man is Silence- to meditate and connect with God - Notice NO Sound

Learn not to trust your senses. You will evolve tremendously.  

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Power of Silence

Have you ever consciously taken note of the thoughts as they enter your mind. Try it some time. Notice that there is never a moment when your mind is without a thought. It is these thoughts that are responsible for the feelings that we experience.

If you want to be happy, only allow positive thoughts into your mind. These thoughts will allow you to articulate positive pleasant words which result in positive and pleasant actions. Thus happiness gets spread around to others. You become the generator of happiness.

Make today the beginning of a new you-conscious of all you think, shunning any negative thought, embracing positivity. Thus you will become a blessing to the world.